Brackmag #4: The Energy Issue Launch
In collaboration with Ayer Ayer Project.
Brack Editors turn their gaze toward the future – as imagined by a participative, creative public emergent in socially engaged art. This issue explores selected artistic projects committed to generative and regenerative environmental practices in community across Asia.
These essays follow a two-year endeavour of #BrackChats asking the central question “What sustains us?”, with art and cultural practitioners: Bellini Yu, Daisuke Takeya, Izzaty Ishak, Kok Heng Leun, Zikri Rahman, Michelle Lai, Faiz bin Zohri, Natalia Ludmila, Fung Lee, Chu Hao Pei, and Meridel Rubenstein.
The conversations and in-depth articles explore new and emerging developments in southeast Asia in socially engaged, public participative and community art, and consider environmental structures that, as we barrel ahead, are falling apart.
This issue is digital only. Brack is a not-for-profit entity. Any proceeds go toward project partnerships and future BrackMag issues.
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Purchase BrackMags Issues 1-4 for $30.
BrackMag is editorially independent and our BrackChat conversations provide a platform for discourse of arts, culture, and society. We don’t just write about or do art; we’re interested in how it can address an issue of importance and create a significant space for individual and collective agency. These conversations take hours to research, organise, conduct, transcribe, and edit into issues.
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