Founded by Choi Byung Joo, Pan-Creators is a platform for creators and artists based in Soeul, Korea. Pan-Creators provides art-tutorials to support creators and does social art projects to make awareness on social problems we have. We have been collaborating with 70 creators from 8 countries. Their initiative Art Wall Pro-ject seeks artwork submissions for a newly built hotel, Social Stitch, which targets social innovators, change-makers and creators. This collaboration with Pan-Creators is the hotel’s first collaboration with artists.
About Social Stitch
Located in Seoul, Social Stitch is the hotel newly built and run by local stitch. Social Stitch provides co-working and co-living space specially designed for artists, start-ups and entrepreneurs. It is the first co-working and co-living complex cultural space in Korea.
Submission Details
Submission Deadline: 31 Aug 2018
Exhibition Opening: First week of Sept 2018
All artwork will be printed in Korea and all printing fees will be paid by PAN-CREATORS. PAN-CREATORS will connect any buyers directly to the artist. Art-works which are not bought will be disposed of after the exhibition.
Type of Works Accepted