BrackMag is a publication that brings together art, audience, and context, into a valuable resource for anyone – artists, researchers, community workers – interested in art and its role in social interrelationships.
We have published four BrackMag issues to date. They are digital only and downloadable as PDF files, unless otherwise stated. We welcome written submissions and are open to publication partnerships. If you are interested in joining the conversation, do be in touch.
All orders are accepted via email.

Brackmag Issue 4: The Energy Issue
Edited by Melanie Chua and Kei Franklin.
Brack Editors turn their gaze toward the future – as imagined by a participative, creative public emergent in socially engaged art. This issue explores selected artistic projects committed to generative and regenerative environmental practices in community across Asia. These essays follow a two-year endeavour of #BrackChats asking the central question “What sustains us?”, with art and cultural practitioners: Bellini Yu, Daisuke Takeya, Izzaty Ishak, Kok Heng Leun, Zikri Rahman, Michelle Lai, Faiz bin Zohri, Natalia Ludmila, Fung Lee, Chu Hao Pei, and Meridel Rubinstein. The conversations and in-depth articles explore new and emerging developments in ASEAN in socially engaged, public participative and community art, and consider environmental structures that, as we barrel ahead, are falling apart.
This issue is digital only.

Brackmag Issue 2 Unseen: Conversations from across the Constellations
Edited by Nasri Shah
How do we see dreams, hopes, and one another? Or do we find that the “constellation” discernible only in retrospect? Seven visually impaired youths in Singapore encounter these and more with artist Alecia Neo as they explores self-identity and dreams in a collaborative art project. This issue coalesces the dramatic relationships, conversations, debates, and experiences around the two-year-long project that is Unseen: Constellations through personal accounts and perspectives, including: Justin Lee’s post-conversation circle commentary on sustainability, Qian Wenyi and Megan Miao’s allude to image-making, Jay Koh points out the axes of power in its “participation”, while Seet Yun Teng and Mok Cui Yin offer different ways of imaging the production of Unseen: Constellations and Unseen: Shift Lab respectively.
This issue is a collaboration with Unseen and is available in both print and digital copies. The digital version contains extended essays by Dr Jay Koh and Mok Cui Yin.
Kindly request for your complimentary print book available upon purchase of digital version via email:
Print Softcover, perfect bind 20 cm x 17.5 cm, 106pp

Brackmag Issue 3: This Is Home
Edited by Nazry Bahrawi
What does it mean to own a home in Singapore — a country younger than so many of its citizens? In the case of 99-year leaseholds, whither so-called ‘home ownership’? At the heart of the cultural mapping project by Matt3r asks the question “What is home?” in one of Singapore’s oldest HDB estates, Queenstown.The collection of articles and stories reflects on the themes explored in the artworks, including: Loo Ching Ling’s rumination on routines of a HDB dweller; Bestlyn Loo discusses the liminality of the corridor; Emma Goh’s fictional piece matches the “mixture of abstract and realistic arrangements” in both artists Ng Hui Hsien’s Sands and Sufian Samsiyar’s The Imaginary World of Tanglin Halt; and He Liwei’s footnotes from a stranger’s notebook. Issue Editor Nazry Bahrawi considers Singapore vis-à-vis Penang. From further afield, Melinda Lauw explores (such a lack of) space via the Fung Wah Biennial in New York. It also captures candid conversations with Brack’s artist-in-residence Nuria, who’d travelled 14,000km from Spain into the heart of Queenstown, and local resident Alice Lee.
This issue is a collaboration with Matt3r.

Brackmag Issue 1
Edited by Melanie Chua, in it are the highlights of the Artist-Writer Pair Series that launched the #BrackGathering of socially engaged art across Southeast Asia. These long features are an accompaniment to the #BrackChats that have been compiled online over the past year, including with: Made Bayak, 紀紐約 Kai-Yuan Chi, Leone Contini, ETC (Enterprise of Temporary Consensus), Matthew Mazzotta, Im Heung-Soon, and Michael Tan.
This issue is digital only.
Support our work
BrackMag is editorially independent and our BrackChat conversations provide a platform for discourse of arts, culture, and society. We don’t just write about or do art; we’re interested in how it can address an issue of importance and create a significant space for individual and collective agency. These conversations take hours to research, organise, conduct, transcribe, and edit into issues.
Support us in this endeavour with a bundle purchase of BrackMag (Issues 1-4) for $$30.